Our Team
Since 2009 Flagstone Consultants Limited has successfully completed a broad range of assignments for private and corporate clients in business advisory, financial consulting and corporate finance advisory roles. We have professionals with expertise in strategy, operations, enterprise financing and general management to meet the requirements of any engagement.
Maurice O'Brien
Maurice has over 35 years experience in the financial services sector serving as General Manager - Banking, Smurfit Paribas Bank Limited and as Managing Director, ANP International Finance Limited.
Maurice was a non executive director of LeggMason Investors Fixed Income Plc, an investment company listed on the Irish Stock Exchange until its investment term expired in 2005.
Maurice is an executive director of Itinerant Resources Plc, a UK registered public limited company with mineral exploration interests in Zimbabwe. Itinerant Resources is an unlisted company with 270 shareholders.
Maurice is a Fellow of The Chartered Governance Institute and The Association of International Accountants. He graduated from University College Cork and completed his MBA dissertation on Venture Capital in Ireland 1967 – 1983.
Tim McCormick
Tim spent 17 years with the merchant banking subsidiary of National Irish Bank, where his main responsibilities were corporate finance advice, stock market listings, corporate credit underwriting and management, internal audit and corporate governance.
For 14 years Tim worked for the Irish Management Institute in Dublin designing and running courses mainly on finance both in Ireland and abroad for individual companies, mostly for senior teams in manufacturing, financial services and software industries. Working independently in the field of consultancy and consult-training Tim has served as a non-executive director, Real Return Global Fund, an IFSC Hedge Fund which later merged.
Qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Peat, Marwick & Mitchell (now KPMG) in London and graduated with a primary degree in Economics from Trinity College Dublin Tim obtained an MBA from INSEAD in France. Tim co-authored "Strategic Cost Reduction: Cutting Costs without Killing the Business" published by Chartered Accountants Ireland in 2009 and adapted by the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2011. A second edition of Strategic Cost Reduction was published by Chartered Accountants Ireland in 2012.
An Irish Banking Manifesto written by Tim was published by The Liffey Press in 2015. Both publications are available on Amazon.co.uk. Tim contributes articles on current issues both in the trade and national press and also broadcasts occasionally.
Contact us on info@flagstoneconsultants.com to start a business conversation.